CS 0 (Summer 2024) CS 0b

Welcome to CS 0b! We’re super excited to introduce you to lots of amazing stuff at Caltech!


Course Staff


Book an appointment!
Annenberg 115
(626) 395-1765

Teaching Assistants

Course Description

“Computer Science for Everyone”, is a synchronous, virtual 3-4 week course that meets in small groups (on discord) every weekday for three hours. This course assumes no prior programming experience (though, it is definitely still useful to those who have already programmed before). We use python, because it is the most likely language students will need in other disciplines for their research, but we also cover other CS concepts, not just programming. This course will run every weekday between August 9 and August 30.

Lecture Schedule

L00 Fri, Aug 9 Introduction and Setup
variables, images, function calls, for loops
L01 Mon, Aug 12 Functions and If Statements
more loops, if statements, writing functions
L02 Tue, Aug 13 Libraries and Algorithms
using a library, cumulative algorithms
L03 Wed, Aug 14 Nested For Loops
developing an algorithm
L04 Thu, Aug 15 How Does Randomness Work?
randomness, binary, probability
L05 Fri, Aug 16 How Fast Can We Go?
more binary, algorithmic speed, mathematical algorithms
L06 Mon, Aug 19 Underneath It All
circuits and gates
L07 Tue, Aug 20 Now You See It...
visual crptography
L08 Wed, Aug 21 CS = Math
a brief history of the math that led to computer science
L09 Thu, Aug 22 Natural Language Processing
a bit of AI
L10 Fri, Aug 23 What's The Problem???
Ethics in CS
L11 Mon, Aug 26 Designing Larger Programs
object-oriented programming
L12 Tue, Aug 27 The Internet
requests library and twitter API
L13 Wed, Aug 28 Projects: Day 1
work on a project of your choice
L14 Thu, Aug 29 Projects: Day 2
work on a project of your choice
L15 Fri, Aug 30 Projects: Day 3
work on a project of your choice