CS 0 (Summer 2024)

Welcome to CS 0! We’re super excited to introduce you to lots of amazing stuff at Caltech!


Book an appointment!
Annenberg 115
(626) 395-1765


There are two variants of CS 0 and students can choose either one:

Wellness and Inclusion

It is very important to us that you both have fun and learn in CS 0. We provide many extra resources to help you. It is also very important to us that you maintain your mental wellness throughout the experience. Everyone on the team is available to chat, and you can always attend office hours for a non-academic conversation if necessary. Additionally, if there is something we can do to make your experience better, please let us know.

Diversity, inclusion, and belonging are all core values of this course. All participants in this course must be treated with respect by other members of the community in accordance with the honor code. If you feel unwelcome or unsafe in any way, no matter how minor, we encourage you to talk to someone on course staff! We view these sorts of honor code violations as completely unacceptable, and we take them very seriously.